For Easter, Mother’s Day, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Birthdays, we allow additional decorations & sprays to remain for 7 days. After that time period we will remove all items on the graves that do not conform with the day-to-day rules.
Memorial Holiday Clean Up: Clean-up begins on the Monday following the holiday. Flowers that are not in the green cone vases or in-ground vases will be removed. Live planters will remain as long as they are maintained and away from the mowing paths. Please remember that all glass, and metal is prohibited. Loose materials can become projectiles when they come in contact with mower blades.
Woodside Cemetery & Arboretum was established in 1891 and has always been managed by a Board of Trustees. The closing times range from 5:30 in the winter until 7:00 in the late Spring and Summer. We do have security on the premises but are not able to monitor all visitors, expensive decorations are not advised. Please place the deceased person’s name on your arrangements.
Items Not Allowed

Decorating Policy

PHONE 513-422-3291
Winter Hours 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Spring & Summer Hours -8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Decoration Policy for Cemetery Grounds
Keeping Woodside Cemetery & Arboretum beautiful and serene depends upon all visitors to follow a few guidelines. First and foremost is to be respectful and considerate of the memory of those interred. The requirements for flowers and memorial markers listed here have been established for the benefit of our lot owners and visitors and for the high maintenance standards that our families have grown to expect through the years.
- During a clean-up, non-faded flowers, (flowers in good condition) will remain on flush & bevel marker graves if they are in the green cone vases or self storing in-ground vases; all other items will be discarded. For upright (Monuments), Woodside will leave the saddles & floral arrangements that are in vases (on the ledge of the granite base). Additionally, we will remove all Christmas decorations from the Cemetery in the February 1st cleanup.
- Trinkets such as: toys, shells, ornaments, bottles, vases, glass, wood or iron cases, plastic blocks, s
- tyrofoam, tin cans, wire, crockery, and knick-knacks of any description are not permitted in the grass or on the concrete borders of headstones. The concrete border is used to create a buffer zone for string trimmers and mowers to get as close as possible to trim. Floral decorations placed on this border jeopardize its intention and create a hazard; they will be discarded.
- The use of pieces of wire, iron or steel to secure decorations in place is prohibited. Power mowers hitting easily broken objects, wires, etc., sometimes throw sharp pieces through the air for 100 feet or more, endangering workmen and visitors alike.
- Home-made memorials are not permitted – all memorials must be granite or bronze.
- The use of brick, tile, stone, marble, terra cotta, sand, cement, gravel or mulch in or around any grave space is prohibited. All graves must be marked by granite headstones, all other materials are prohibited.
- Woodside reserves the right, without notice, to remove & dispose of any decorations which violates the rules or otherwise interferes with the appearance or the safe efficient grounds operations of the Cemetery.
4 CLEAN UP DATES: 1st Week of June (Week After Memorial Day) · February 1 · September 1 · November 1 Please Note That The Cleanups are Contingent to Weather Conditions

February 1st
September 1st
June 15th
November 1st
- All Items Must Be Removed from the Ground & Concrete Surround
- Flowers in Approved Vases will Remain.
- Saddles (In Good Condition) Will Remain.
- Knick-Knacks of Any Description are Not permitted on the Concrete Borders.
- Shepherds Hooks, Balloons, Glass & Metal Are Not Permitted

- Floral Saddles Allowed on Monuments
- Floral Arrangements Allowed in Vases

Nothing is permitted on the concrete surround.
Anything placed on the surround interferes with
grass cutting and edging.
Small items create a hazard when workers are string trimming.
Decorations used for holidays (other than Christmas) must be removed after 7 days. We
allow Christmas/Hanukkah pieces until February 1st.
Woodside will remove and discard any items that do not meet our policy.

- Green Cones – Woodside Provides Free Cones Vases located at the Front & Back Gates on storage stands.
- Self – Storing Vases are available in multiple colors and can be purchased through Woodside. The vase can be stored in the under-ground cylinder when not in use.

All Mausoleum decorations must be tagged or marked with the name of the entombed person. If they are not tagged they may be removed. Only one decoration per entombment will be permitted. Glass, metal containers, or stands are not allowed at any time.
Please be considerate and do not cover the bronze nameplates of the families that are entombed on the 1st level. Items left blocking a nameplate are subject to removal.
From April 1st through October 31st, only live decorations will be allowed. Artificial decorations in front of the crypt are allowed November through March. Christmas decorations will be removed by March 1st.
During the weekly check of the buildings we will remove all dead or dying planters. Please note that Woodside does not water planters; it is up to the family to maintain all live planters.
Please do not tape any items on the walls of the mausoleum.

No artificial decoration in the ground cover will be permitted at any time. Since many loved one’s ashes have been scattered we feel it is important to keep the area as a natural setting and ask decorations to be placed around the benches or at the bottom of the center monument.
Artificial decorations are allowed November 1st through February 28 at the base of the monument. Only live decorations will be permitted from March 1st through October 31st.
A clean-up will occur every Thursday. Any decorations deemed to be unsightly will be removed.
No glass or metal containers, or stands are permitted at any time. All Christmas decorations will be removed by February 1st.
Please do not place any items directly on the Scattering Garden Monument