Memorial Day Information
Monday’s Memorial Day Ceremony – 11:30 a.m. Please join us for a short Civic Program to recognize all Veterans both past & present. This outdoor ceremony will be held at the Military Cenotaph located just off the Main Drive near the Chapel. Start Skydiving will preform a Flag-Jump during the ceremony.
Cleanup of Decorations begins on the Monday after Memorial Day. Woodside will remove everything off the ground and the concrete surrounds to allow us to mow and edge. Our Decoration Policy has a link (above) and we encourage you to look over the rules and regulations before placing items at the gravesite. You may also stop in the office and pick up a brochure during regular business hours. The rules and regulations are set in place to keep the grounds safe, beautiful and serene. Loose materials can become projectiles when they come into contact with mower blades and to protect work the visitors and workers we must adhere to these rules. Woodside Cemetery reserves the right to remove all objects that are deemed injurious or jeopardizes the tranquil beauty of the cemetery.
Flags for Veteran’s
The local Veterans Memorial Committee will have volunteers handing out flags at Woodside’s Chapel on Saturday from 9-3 & Sunday 9-2 (Memorial Day Weekend).
Do You Need to Find A Grave
A link is available at the top of the page; see (Locate A Loved One) There is an alphabetical index to assist you with detailed maps that can be viewed or printed. Once you have entered the name of the deceased it will give the first 5 in alphabetical order. If your “searched name” does not appear you can ask for more “rows” and it will give you a maximum of 50 names. Make sure to click on “VISIT” when your name appears and this will take you to the burial information page for that particular person.
Most sections have been photographed by drones and you can go frame by frame around the perimeter of the section. The easiest way to locate a grave is to look up the Section and Lot number of the grave. Find the section map and locate the lot/grave #. The upright headstones on the street-fronts have been written in on the maps to assist you in finding your way.