Monument and Marker Sales – With Woodside’s onsite design program you can easily create your stone with expert assistance from our staff. We will walk you through the simple process of designing a memorial for your family. We invite you to stop in the main office and into our memorial showroom to look at photos, granite samples and tour our Memorial Display located in the front of our main office, inside the circle drive.
When it comes to choosing a design we have many existing designs that you may choose from or we can start with a blank slate and begin to create a memorial with your own personal design. We offer traditional sandblasted designs on granite or more modern lasered designs. Additionally we also offer bronze memorials mounted on granite.
We always recommend taking a drive around the cemetery to get a feel for the color of granite and size of the memorial that you prefer as well as the type of lettering and carvings you are drawn to. With over 100 acres of existing burials we may well have the largest showroom of headstones in the area. Stop in or call and set up an appointment to discuss your needs.
Types of Memorials – Woodside Cemetery has 3 basic types of burial lots; Marker Lots, Monument Lots and Estate Lots. A monument lot must be marked with an “Upright” Monument and a marker lot can only be marked with a marker. Marker lots use a 24x12x6 bevel for singles or companions may use a 36”x14”x 6” or a 42” x 14” x 6”. Estate lots allow an upright stone and individual markers, they are available in the new and older historical sections.
Monument Lots – hold 2 or more grave spaces and require an upright stone for marking the graves. Slants and benches are also allowed on a Monument Lot. Below are the requirements:
- Woodside Cemetery & Arboretum requires a minimum P3 (polished/sanded 3 sides) front, back and top. Sides may be rock pitched.
- 8” thick granite die (upright stone) and 8” granite base. A 2” Polish Margin is allowed – P5 (all polished bases) requires a lot owner to sign a waiver.
- The base of the monument cannot be more than 75% of the width of the lot so we do not encroach on adjoining lots when pouring the foundations. Most 2 grave monument lots are 8 ft. in width, some older lots are 7 ft. wide.
- All dies 40” – 72” in height must be 10” thick and pinned. All dies over 72” inches in height require a scale drawing and approval from Woodside’s General Manager.

Marker Lots / Graves – Woodside offers 2 grave marker lots and single graves throughout the cemetery. Beveled markers are allowed in all sections except a few select locations in Sections 26 and 25, which require flush markers. Bronze memorials may also be placed on a bevel or mounted on a 3” granite backer and installed flush.
Single Graves use a 24”x12”x 6” Bevel, 2-Grave Companion Lots can use a 36”x14” or a 42”x14” Bevel or 2 Singles. 95% of all our bevels in the cemetery are 6” in height. The maximum height for all bevels is 8” height.
Vases – Vases for Uprights – Vases on monuments must be made of granite with a drainage (weep hole). No composites, marble, or metal are permitted. Granite vases must be professionally installed by Woodside or a Monument Dealer using epoxy glue with pins/dowels drilled into the base, metal strapping is not permitted.
Vases for Markers – Woodside Cemetery no longer permits above ground vases to be installed on markers. In-ground self-storing vases are used and available through Woodside Cemetery & Arboretum.